
All our talks together about the wonderful works of God, have shown us how “all things work together” for the good of all things. Nothing lives for itself alone, but each is a part of God’s plan for blessing others.

In all of His great works God is thinking of the little things, and working for the good of the smallest. He works in the great and glorious sun to bring to life the little flowers, and to gladden the tiny insect.

“Thus sunbeams your alike their glorious tide
To light up worlds, or wake an insect’s mirth.”

We have seen, too, that in causing the tides of the mighty ocean and seas, God is thinking of and caring for those tiny creatures that need to live a part of their time in the water and a part on the land just met by the going which leaves them for the beach out of the water.

In His great work of drawing up the water from the earth, and causing it to float in great billowy clouds in “the spacious firmament on high,” God is preparing to water the little flowers, to give drink to man and “to every beast of the field,” and even “to cause it to rain on the earth where no man is; on the wilderness wherein there is no man; to satisfy the desolate and waste ground, and to cause the bud of the tender herb to spring forth.” Job 38:26, 27.

In all these and many other ways we see what great works God is doing in His care for the very least of His creatures, using the great things to minister to the very smallest.

But we have found also that in all these little things, which may at first seem to us so unimportant, and to have no special use or meaning, God has some wonderful purpose, which we find when we enquire into them and seek them out. God’s greatness is shown in the very smallest of His works. He has a purpose in everything that He does.

The least and most insignificant thing in the earth is “a part of God’s great plan,” and is needed just where He has placed it. “He weighs the mountains in scales, and the hills in a balance;” so even the tiny little grains that make up our world are considered by Him and placed just where He wants them. His great works are just as dependent on these little things, as the little things are on the great.

There is a little poem which tells of a discontented little buttercup who was fretful and unhappy because she “wished she were a daisy.” And this is the advice given to her in the parable by a robin whom she asked to try to find “a nice white frill” for her, like the daisies wear:—

“You’re nicer in your own bright gown,
The little children love you;
Be the best buttercup you can,
And think no flower above you.

“The swallows leave me out of sight,
We’d better keep our places;
Perhaps the world would all go wrong
With one too many daisies!

“Look bravely up into the sky,
And be content with knowing
That God wished for a buttercup
Just here where you are growing.”

Are you not glad, little children, that God wants you in His world? He needs you, or He would not have put you here. And He has put you in just the place where He wants you, at the very time when He needs you there.

We are told of His Son Jesus, that “when the fulness of time was come, God sent forth His Son.” And this is true of every child of God. He thought of you long ages ago, and has been preparing a place and a work for you. And when His time came, just the right time for you to come into the world, He put you here in exactly the place where He wants you.

Though you may not know what God is doing, with you, you may be quite sure that, like every one of His works, you are a part of His plan. And if you give yourself to Him, doing day by day what you know He would have you, He is carrying out in your life some special purpose of good to the world that He could not do without you.

The Present Truth – January 26, 1899
E. J. Waggoner

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