Essiac Detox Regimen

For detox, 3 ounces of brewed tea should be taken 3 times per day, and it’s VERY important that each dose be taken on an empty stomach, and you shouldn’t have food 2 hours before or 1 hour after your dose, which shouldn’t be too hard to manage on a three meal a day schedule.

It is recommended that everyone commit to a 6 month detox for maximum benefits; however, a shorter period will still be beneficial. If you are suffering from a serious or long time illness, you are an excellent candidate for the 6 month detox program.

Essiac is very easy on your body and any detox symptoms you may experience, such as headache, feeling tired, stimulated, or nauseous, should be very mild, and in most cases will pass fairly quickly with no long-term effects.

If you are an active person you can still go to work and carry on with normal activities with no need to change your diet to receive benefit. After the initial period of detoxification has been completed it is best to remain on essiac, but move to the maintenance dose of  3 ounces of tea just once a day. Again, it is best, but optional.

It is fine to have water and natural fruit or vegetable juices during your empty stomach time if needed, and whatever medication you may be taking can and should be taken during your empty stomach time as well.