If you have not yet watched the short film about The History of Essiac Tea, I would encourage you to do so by clicking here. As a nurse, Rene Caisse, for which the tea is named by spelling her name backwards, has had much success over a 40 year period treating her patients with 8 healing herbs, powdered and blended in just the right amounts so as to have the desired effect of bringing the health benefits your body needs to improve your immune system so it can better fight off disease. If you were to purchase the 8 herbs and try to put them together to make your own tea, those herbs would not give the same results as Rene Caisse’s formula, because without combining all the ingredients in specific ratios, quite frankly, you would be wasting your time.

Just so you know, Essiac tea is available by various venders that use a formula with fewer herbs, but the 8 herb formula is more effective, and when it comes to your health, why wouldn’t you choose the best?

The 8 herb powdered formula that you can purchase through the link below was tested at the Brusch Medical Research Center in Cambridge, Massachusetts as Doctor Charles Brusch worked with Nurse Caisse to develop the most effective formula that will give the most healing benefits.

The 8 herbs that make up this time tested Essiac formula are: Blessed Thistle, Burdock Root, Kelp, Red Clover, Sheep Sorrel (including the root), Slippery Elm Bark, Turkish Rhubarb Root, Watercress.