The Point of No Return

Is it too late for America? Many people think so. What do you think about a question like that? Can God continue to bless this Nation, or have we already reached the point of no return? Are God’s judgments soon to fall, or are they already falling? I’d like to explore questions like these this morning, but before we do, let’s ask for the aid of the Holy Spirit so we can truly understand the impact of what we’re about to consider.

Before we begin, I want to thank those of you who responded to the appeal I made last time for literature funds for the Philippines. We didn’t get so much that I can say don’t bring any more, like what happened with the building of the wilderness tabernacle in Old Testament times, but we have a good start for the next order, and I thank you for your support. Won’t it be interesting in the very near future, when we get to heaven, to be able to trace all the souls that have been touched by whatever sacrifices we’ve been able to make? Compared to the sacrifice made for our redemption it won’t be much, we realize, but as we do what we can it will bear fruit to the honor and glory of God, and I look forward to that great day. So, thank you.

And just one more quick note before we launch into today’s topic. As you may or may not know Cindy and I have both had COVID. I’ve been sick with it for over a month now and had to spend 10 days in the hospital with fever, oxygen deprivation, no appetite whatsoever and a significant loss of weight and energy that will take some time to recover from, and to make a long story short it hasn’t been fun. Cindy was over it rather quickly with only residual cough, and for that we are thankful, but  have no explanation why some people hardly have symptoms and why others get very sick and even die, but I just want to say that COVID is real, it’s not just a bad cold or the flu but something very different, and I think it’s only a matter of time until you get it, if you haven’t already, and I hope and pray it’s a mild case when you do. COVID, I believe, is one of the last day pestilences that has come to our world and Satan rejoices at the devastation and loss of life, I’m sure. In Matthew 24 Jesus said things like this would come in the last days and I think we’re seeing the fulfillment of His words. Anyway, dear friends, thank you for your prayers, and please, please take care of yourselves. Follow the health message we been given for these last days and stay very close to Jesus as we are entering the final struggle of the long-standing controversy regarding the Law of God.

Well, is it too late for America? Prophetically speaking, I would say that it’s definitely too late for America, as well as for every other nation on the globe. What I mean by that is that we already know how the story ends, don’t we? Bible prophecy makes plain, that America, the two horned lamb like beast of Revelation 13:11-18, is to speak as a dragon, and so in that respect it was doomed right from the start, because sadly, God’s word will be fulfilled in respect to the United States to the very letter. But what about the condition of America right now, today? Is there a chance that God will withhold His judgments yet a little longer before He turns His back on this nation, or is it already too late?

God is long suffering, isn’t He? And it’s a good thing, otherwise none of us would have been born. He would have cast us away long ago but for the fact that He is slow to anger and of great kindness, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

It seems as you read the Old Testament, that God destroyed many nations because of their immorality for far less than what America has done and is currently doing, and one has to wonder why that is. Billy Graham once said, “If Jesus doesn’t come soon, He’s going to have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah”, because all the sins that were practiced by the cities of the plain, have been and are being practiced right here in the good old U S of A. So why does God continue to suffer this nation to continue on as though it may do so for the unforeseeable future?

First of all, I’d like to read a couple passages of Scripture that do give us some hope that perhaps God isn’t finished with us yet. And please, if you’re listening today and are a citizen of a country other than the United States, don’t feel slighted, because the United States, which is not very united at this point, is the focus of prophecy in these last days, and it’s certainly nothing to brag about that the United States will be the nation that puts forth the effort to make void the law of God. According to inspiration rebellion against God’s law begins here, and then every other nation will follow. So, if you’re anxious to see your nation in the spotlight, just be patient, because it will soon join in the rebellion that seeks to destroy the fourth Commandment and those who hold it sacred.

In 2 Chronicles 7:14 there’s a well-known verse that says, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will (do what?) heal their land.” Is this still a promise for America? Is there still a chance that God will hold off bringing judgment and final destruction upon this land that started out as a bastion of freedom and religious liberty? I think we can all agree that America needs healing, can’t we?

There is more blatant sin and corruption and division today than I have ever seen in my lifetime, and as you read about the history of America, this is probably more true today than it has ever been since the founding of this country, especially the blatant sin part. But I want you to notice something about this verse we just read that is easily overlooked. It says, “If my people, which are called by my name” will do thus and so, then God will hear and forgive and heal. It’s not addressed to everyone on the planet, but specifically to “my people.”

Did you know that this world has been spared ever since sin entered, because of “My people”, because of God’s people? In The Great Controversy, page 631 it says, “The Lord delights in mercy; and for the sake of a few who really serve Him, He restrains calamities and prolongs the tranquility of multitudes. Little do sinners against God realize that they are indebted for their own lives to the faithful few whom they delight to ridicule and oppress.”

So, if it weren’t for the faithful few, this world would have been a goner long ago. So where does the responsibility that restrains calamities and prolongs the tranquility lie? It lies with those who profess to belong to Christ, doesn’t it? It belongs to people like us, more so than for the general public who don’t know God.

There’s another promise in Jeremiah 18:7-10 if you’d care to follow along. God says, “At what instant I shall speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up, and to pull down, and to destroy it; if that nation, against whom I have pronounced, turn from their evil, I will repent of the evil that I thought to do unto them. And at what instant I shall speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to build and to plant it; if it do evil in my sight, that it obey not my voice, then I will repent of the good, wherewith I said I would benefit them.”

So, the fate of a nation is in the hands of its own people, and specifically God’s people, doing what they can to influence and encourage their nation to follow what’s written in the Bible. That’s the reason for truth filled literature distribution, for religious advertising campaigns, for evangelistic meetings, for church services, for Bible studies, for religious radio programs, for Internet ministry websites and the like. All these things are for the purpose of preparing souls to meet Jesus in peace when He comes, and for the preservation of the nation they are citizens of. If we just sit back and fold our hands and do nothing, how can the promises of God be fulfilled? No, we have a work to do, and we must be about our Father’s business.

We’re told over and over in the Spirit of Prophecy that God’s destructive judgments are soon to fall and that He will not allow things to continue on much longer, and those statements were written well over a hundred years ago, and most of them deal with the large cities, because that’s where the grossest sins take place, and the reason, by the way, that we should not live there. Work the cities from outposts, we’re told, but we are not to live there, and if you do, you should think carefully about getting out as soon as you can safely do so. Now I know that there are places in the world that have no places in the country to move to, because the cities are so large and in some cases, they’re build right up to the edge of the sea, but that’s certainly not the case here in America, so if you can, it’s past time to follow the counsel we’ve been given.

But here’s an important point, even though the Spirit of Prophecy is very clear that we are not to live in the large cities, we are not to go off halfcocked without considering how we’re going to be able to live and work and supply our needs if we leave, right? I made a mistake like this about 25 years ago, but God was merciful, because of my ignorance, to get me through some very difficult times.

Sometimes it can take several years to make a move from city to country, so if you see the necessity of making the change, I would say you better start planning yesterday, because time is of the essence. You may have to do without a few things, but if you follow the counsel we’ve been given, God will open the way when He sees best. “Here is the patience of the saints.” And in Matthew 6:33 Jesus also promised that our daily necessities will be supplied if we will do what? “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.”

Please turn in your Bibles to Act 14:16. In this verse the apostle Paul says, “In times past (God) suffered all nations to walk (how?) in their own ways”, and why should America be exempt from this truth? America as a nation is following the same cycle of many nations before it, of having the truth, of rejecting the truth, and then being abandoned by God to suffer the consequences of their own choices. That’s the way it goes.

Now we know that a Sunday law is coming, don’t we? and when that happens, we’re told that national apostasy will be followed by national ruin. I understand that to mean that when this happens, probation will close for America. In fact, let me read it to you. In the book Evangelism, pages 133, 134 there are 5 quotes from various places in the Spirit of Prophecy that deal with this issue that are very similar but slightly different.

The first one says, “When our nation, in its legislative councils, shall enact laws to bind the consciences of men in regard to their religious privileges, enforcing Sunday observance, and bringing oppressive power to bear against those who keep the seventh-day Sabbath, the law of God will, to all intents and purposes, be made void in our land, and national apostasy will be followed by national ruin.”

The next one says, “It is at the time of the national apostasy when, acting on the policy of Satan, the rulers of the land will rank themselves on the side of the man of sin (that would be the papacy). It is then the measure of guilt is full. The national apostasy is the signal for national ruin.”

The third statement says, “Roman Catholic principles will be taken under the care and protection of the state. This national apostasy will speedily be followed by national ruin.”

The fourth says, “When Protestant churches shall unite with the secular power to sustain a false religion, for opposing which their ancestors endured the fiercest persecution, then will the papal sabbath be enforced by the combined authority of church and state. There will be a national apostasy, which will end only in national ruin.”

And then the final statement, “When the state shall use its power to enforce the decrees and sustain the institutions of the church—then will Protestant America have formed an image to the papacy, and there will be a national apostasy which will end only in national ruin.”

So, these statements make it pretty clear that God is not finished with America yet. However, and please listen carefully to what I’m about to say. Are you listening? Here’s the question; what kind of things must happen that will lead up to the point when legislators feel it necessary to enact a law that will restrict religious liberty and make void the Law of God? Something has to happen to the morals of society for something to cause national leaders to do such a thing, don’t you think? The Sunday law isn’t just going to materialize one day without something leading up to that point. And I submit to you that the best answer to this question can be found in Romans 1:18-32, and that we are already well underway in fulfilling the terrible and inevitable results recorded there. And since we’ll be discussing these verses today, maybe we should go ahead and read them at this point.

Romans 1:18-32, “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold (the word “hold means “to hold down” or suppress. In other words, truth is being suppressed by unrighteous men and falsehood is being exalted in its place. The prediction is, those who speak the truth will be silenced, and there’s no doubt in my mind that this is already happening today on a grand scale) “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. (In other words, God has made plain what the truth is and what He is like for anyone who has eyes to see) For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. (Largely because they reject the fact that there is a Creator who made the world and everything in it) Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: who changed the truth of God into a lie, (according to the context the truth of God is that marriage is between one man and one woman, and all other relationships are a lie and sinful, which would include the so called gender identity crisis that’s going on all over the world today) who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator (the religion of environmentalism and evolution fits well here where mankind is always the villain and where more attention is given to the creatures God made than to those He made in His own image and who were told to populate, subdue, and have dominion over the earth) who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator who is blessed forever. Amen. For this cause (or because people changed the truth of God into a lie, especially in regard to the marriage institution) God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable (that means they can’t be satisfied no matter how deep they go into sin), unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.”

How insane is that? My, my! They know in their heart what they’re doing is wrong, and they know they deserve eternal death because of it, but they do it anyway and love to see others do the same thing and end up with the same condemnation. Misery loves company is a true saying here.

It’s clear from this reading that people can reach a certain point where they can no longer be reached by the convicting power of the Holy Spirit, and that there are steps people take, and that nations take, that lead them to that point, and we’ll see that more clearly as we go along.

In the past, when nations have gotten involved, specifically with sexual sins, like is mentioned in the verses we just read, God gave them up to a reprobate mind, or a mind that has been abandoned to sin. Don’t you think God is already angry because of the sins of our culture and the various cultures around the world? How could He not be? So, we’re not waiting for His wrath to start, it’s already underway, and the reason I say that is because of how God, in the past, dealt with the same kind of sins Paul mentions took place in Rome that are being practiced today in America and around the world.

Three times in Romans 1:24, 26, 28 we read that God gave them over, or gave them up to their vile affections. This means that because of their sinful lifestyle the Holy Spirit withdrew from their society, and as a result, sin began to run rampant, just like we see today.

In Last Day Events, page 242 it says, “Just as fast as God’s Spirit is taken away, Satan’s cruel work will be done upon land and sea.” This is what was happening in Rome when Paul wrote about these things. Satan filling the place once occupied by the Holy Spirit, and this is what’s in the process of happening today in America and around the world.

This idea of God giving a nation over, or giving up on them, follows three steps according to the verses we just read. The first indication in a society of the wrath of God being set in motion is sexual immorality. Isn’t it true that the downfall of an individual begins with one wrong choice, and one wrong choice leads to another and another until God has to give them up to the choices they’ve made? and it’s no different with a nation. When a society become pornographic, when this type of immorality becomes part of a culture, God’s wrath is already being stirred. You see, when the heart becomes corrupt, the body always follows that corruption. Sin first begins in the mind and afterward physical actions follow. According to Romans 1:21, 24, when men become vain in their imaginations, and their foolish hearts are darkened, lust begins to dominate the heart, which leads to impurity, and the body follows in some of the most disgusting and degrading ways.

Everywhere you look today there is sexual impurity on billboards, on TV, in magazines, in society in general, and especially on the Internet. Today lesbians, homosexuals, bisexuals, transgenders, and queers are proud and very open about their deviant behavior, and they are encouraged and protected and coddled by a liberal media and a liberal political party, and their agenda is being promoted in the schools across America today with critical race theory and letting students use whatever bathroom or locker room they so choose depending upon their sexual orientation. All these things are running rampant, because the restraining grace of God is slowly being removed from our society.

And let me say something about sexual orientation for a minute, because this is supposed to stop all arguments about a person’s sexual preference. They say, “my sexual orientation is that I’ve always thought of myself as a female rather than a male, or vice versa, even as a small child.” No you haven’t! That thought was placed in your head somewhere along the way, but you weren’t born thinking that. That’s a ridiculous statement. What if I were to say, “my sexual orientation has always been that I’m a pedophile.” Would it be OK then for me to rape little boys and little girls? Obviously not! Sexual orientation is nothing more than a buzz phrase to help people think that their behavior is normal and acceptable in a society that has lost it way, plain and simple.

In The Great Controversy, page 36 it says, “Every ray of light rejected, every warning despised or unheeded, every passion indulged, every transgression of the law of God, is a seed sown, which yields its unfailing harvest. The Spirit of God, persistently resisted, is at last withdrawn from the sinner, and then there is left no power to control the evil passions of the soul, and no protection from the malice and enmity of Satan.”

Also, in Spirit of Prophecy, volume 4, page, 429 it says, “While many of our rulers are active agents of Satan (and how true is that?), God also has his agents among the leading men of the nation. (PTL!) The enemy moves upon his servants to propose measures that would greatly impede the work of God; but statesmen who fear the Lord are influenced by holy angels to oppose such propositions with unanswerable arguments. Thus a few men will hold in check a powerful current of evil.” And that’s exactly where we’re at in the halls of Congress today. There are only a few men who are standing in the way for the final movements to be rapidly fulfilled.

I hope you’re praying for these few good men, and I believe women, who are doing what they can to hold back a tide of evil from taking over our nation. Never a morning goes by that Cindy and I, in our morning devotions, don’t remember to pray for these people who are doing this work. They are being influenced by holy angels, and we need to be holding up their hands through prayer like Aaron and Hur held up the hands of Moses when they fought with the Amalekites.

And so, this downward spiral of a nation, as mentioned in Romans 1, is a process that takes place. Step one in the downward spiral of any society is when it becomes driven by sexual immorality, and I think we have to answer that yes, this is the case in America today, and it’s been snowballing for probably 75 years now. Not long after the end of World War II our society has been heading south in the sexual immorality department and it’s plain to see as you look at history. Our society is far removed from TV programs like Leave it to Beaver and Father Knows Best. Like me, you may have watched these programs when you were growing up. They were almost angelic compared to what children are watching today, and these are the kinds of things that are moving our nation through a three-step process, and finally to national ruin, as out of balance Christians try to make a course correction by bringing in an enforced Sunday law in hopes of bring America back to God. At least that’s how I see it, and I think there’s good evidence that this is exactly the way it’s going to come about.

Let me read you something about this before we move on. Bible Commentary, volume 7, page 976, “History will be repeated. False religion will be exalted. The first day of the week, a common working day, possessing no sanctity whatever, will be set up as was the image at Babylon. All nations and tongues and peoples will be commanded to worship this spurious sabbath. This is Satan’s plan to make of no account the day instituted by God, and given to the world as a memorial of creation.

“The decree enforcing the worship of this day is to go forth to all the world. . . Trial and persecution will come to all who, in obedience to the Word of God, refuse to worship this false sabbath. (And please notice this next sentence) Force is the last resort of every false religion. (And that’s why we can’t go along with it, even if the intentions seem good at first) At first it tries attraction, as the king of Babylon tried the power of music and outward show. If these attractions, invented by men inspired by Satan, failed to make men worship the image, the hungry flames of the furnace were ready to consume them. So it will be now. The papacy has exercised her power to compel men to obey her, and she will continue to do so.”

I believe the majority of people today are getting fed up with the idiocy and the insanity they see taking place in America today. Polls today show that between 60-70% of Americans do not support the trends they see happening in society, and as the pendulum continues to swing way to the left, it’s going to soon swing way to the right in an effort to bring us back to the good old days, and religious persecution will begin as a small group of Sabbath keepers refuse to go along with the program. Not because they agree with the liberal agenda, but because they can’t agree with the conservative class who would try to force God back into our society.

And here’s the problem with a superpower nation like ours, as it becomes sexually immoral to the inth degree, it drags the whole world with it as it takes the broad road to destruction. But that’s just step one. There are still two to follow and unfortunately, we’re making great progress in that direction as a nation.

Step two is in verse 26. In verse 24 God gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, (or the passions of their own hearts) to dishonour their own bodies between themselves.” Now that’s bad enough, but verse 26 takes it a step further and says, “For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections (or gross passions. The word debauchery comes to mind here): for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature.”

Generally speaking, the sex drive of a man is stronger than that of a woman, but even the women became involved in these vile and disgraceful passions and left the use of the man to gratify their sexual appetites by going to those of the same gender. And it’s interesting to me that the apostle Paul mentions the women and their deviant behavior before the men in these verses, and I think that’s because even Paul might have been shocked, because men usually fall into sexually immoral practices before women. Women have a mothering and protective instinct that men don’t have, and they’re usually the last to be affected by the decay of morals in society, but as the Holy Spirit is rejected and withdrawn, all this changes.

I hope all this isn’t too much for you to hear this morning, but it is in the word of God, and we need to understand that it’s as bad, and probably worse today, than it was 2000 years ago when Paul wrote about it, and it’s an indication that God is about to give this nation up unto its vile affections as He did with those in Rome.

Rome, you’ll remember, was a world power for over a thousand years, but it wasn’t until toward the end of its reign that Christianity was introduced. Now they had a knowledge of the truth, but when the truth was rejected, guess what? God gave them up unto their vile affections, and He’s about to do the same thing with America.

Verse 27, “And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned (or were deeply inflamed) in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly (or indecent to say the least), and receiving in themselves that recompence (or punishment) of their error which was meet.” In other words, they get what they deserve! Venereal disease and Aids come to mind here, and that could very well escalate into other unknown diseases as time goes along.

Lesbianism and homosexuality is the second step. So as you look at a society and it’s pornographic, when it’s sexually immoral, when fornication and adultery  becomes the dominant way of life, where these things not only exist but are exalted and approved in the media and in the movies and in a culture generally, and when the laws of the land not only protect this kind of behavior but tries to normalize it, and then when that society goes a step further and exalts and approves of lesbianism and homosexuality, or sodomy, and transgenderism and bisexualism, and who know what other ism, you know that that nation is sinking deeper and deeper into the grossest kinds of sins and that the end is near.

But there’s still a third step, and the third step is in verse 28, “And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to (what?) a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient”, or to do those things which they should not do.

The word reprobate is a word that isn’t used much today, but from the context we know it something that’s not very good, in fact it’s scary, and committing sexual sin isn’t the only way a person’s mind can be downgraded to a reprobate mind. According to the dictionary, a reprobate mind is “a mind that is incapable of performing its function of moral discrimination.” In other words, it refers to those who have gone so far in sin that they can’t find their way back, because they can no longer think right. They have reached the point of no return. Their conscience is dead, as if seared with a hot iron, and it can no longer function as God originally intended.

And what comes out of a culture that has reached this point? All other kinds of evil as mentioned in Verses 29-31, “Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful.”

When I think about these things, I can’t help but think of what I have to do about once a week. As most of you know, Cindy and I live full time in an RV. We have our own property to park on, but we like to go south for the winter because as we get older it’s more and more difficult to deal with the cold and the snow. Anyway, once a week we have to dump our black tank, and if you’ve ever had an RV, you know that’s not very pleasant because of the smell. And that’s what this list of sinful behavior reminds me of, it’s like someone opened the sewer of sin and let it run through society.

Verse 32, “. . . who knowing the judgment of God (because it’s written in the heart according to Romans 2:15. People know most of what’s right and wrong by instinct because God has placed it within them) “who knowing the judgment of God that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.”

Once a nation gets to this point, there’s no turning around, there’s no going back to Leave it to Beaver and Father knows Best. Once the door to the grossest kinds of sins is opened in a society, there’s no closing it. At first, they wouldn’t know the truth, and now they couldn’t know, because the light went out, and all they can do is walk in darkness.

So, in step one, as people forget God, He gives them over to vain imaginings which go from thought sins to step two, sins of the body, and bodily sins, as in Romans chapter one, fall into sexual sins which progress from bad to worse until in step three, God gives them over to a reprobate mind, or a mind that is incapable of performing its God given function of moral discrimination. That’s what happened all through history with various nations and it’s what we see being repeated today in America.

What all this means is that the Holy Spirit is being steadily withdrawn from the earth and leading us “to the battle of that great day of God Almighty” and finally to the soon return of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Just like in times past when God “suffered all nations to walk in their own ways, ” so He is allowing America to have its turn, and how sad it is to see. But we can take heart this morning, because all these things are telling us that the end of all things is at hand, and soon, very soon, the madness we see taking place will have come to an end and we will see Jesus coming in the clouds with power and great glory. And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

Oh friends, to be one of the elect is of the highest importance. It’s something we need to be preparing for now as we see the day approaching. Let us not be looking for a “more convenient season” to surrender all to Jesus like Governor Felix, or be like king Agrippa when he said, “almost thou persuadest me.” There are going to be multitudes who do that, but the elect will not be among that number.

In closing I’d like to read a few sentences from Counsels on Health, page 20 where it says, “We are in a world that is opposed to righteousness or purity of character, and especially to growth in grace. Wherever we look, we see defilement and corruption, deformity and sin. How opposed is all this to the work that must be accomplished in us just previous to receiving the gift of immortality! God’s elect must stand untainted amid the corruptions teeming around them in these last days. Their bodies must be made holy, their spirits pure. If this work is to be accomplished, it must be undertaken at once, earnestly and understandingly. The Spirit of God should have perfect control, influencing every action.”

Is that what you want for yourself and your loved ones? You say “yes, of course.” Then we should understand that this is a work that “must be undertaken at once, earnestly and understandingly.” To put it off is to choose the second death, because a more convenient season than today will never come, and almost saved is not almost but wholly lost. May God help us to take advantage of whatever time we have left to be molded and fashioned into the likeness of Jesus our dear Savior is my prayer for each one of us today.

Sermon notes in pdf  The Point of No Return